Make a Gift and Support Ashley Hall | Private School in Charleston, SC-十大网赌平台推荐

The Loyalty Fund: Ashley Hall's Annual Giving Program

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The Loyalty Fund

The Ashley Hall community is powering possibilities for the future of our students and it all begins with youBy making a gift to the Loyalty Fund, Ashley Hall’s vital annual campaign, your philanthropic actions have immediate impact. 给忠诚基金的礼物支持了每一个阿什利霍尔女孩的经历——每一天, providing funding for signature programs that tuition cannot cover. 十大最好的网赌平台的整个社区集会支持学校的忠诚基金. Parents, grandparents, alumnae, parents of alumnae, faculty, staff and friends all give to this initiative. 由于您的持续支持,阿什利大厅的每个学生都能充分发挥潜力. 你的礼物将加强阿什利大厅教育经验的各个方面, empowering our girls to become bold leaders, creative doers, and global citizens.


$1,000-$1,908 | Spiral Club
$500-$999 | Gateway Club
$100-$499 | Century Club
Up to $99 | Purple and White Society


$25,000 and up | Founders’ Circle
$10,000-$24,999 | Head of School’s Circle
$5,000-$9,999 | Trustees’ Circle
$1,909-$4,999 | Benefactors’ Circle

View the 2022-2023 Ashley Hall Annual Report

Loyalty Fund Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Loyalty Fund support?

The Loyalty Fund, our School’s annual giving program, is the cornerstone of philanthropy at Ashley Hall. The largest fundraising effort of the year, 它弥补了学费收入和学校运营费用之间的差距. The Loyalty Fund directly supports all students and faculty, ongoing technology enhancements, facility improvements, and other School priorities. 如果你愿意,你可以直接把你的礼物送给艺术、体育、学术或最需要的领域.

Doesn’t tuition cover all expenses?

全额学费只支付了为每个女孩量身定制的特殊学术课程实际成本的一部分. 支撑学院运作的财务模式依赖于三个主要收入来源:捐赠收入, tuition revenue, and the generosity of alumnae, parents, and friends through the Loyalty Fund. Your annual support is a vital component of that financial equation.

I support my child’s classroom, buy special tickets, and give to the School's community philanthropic efforts. Why should I also give to the Loyalty Fund?

您对忠诚基金的支持对学院的财务稳定至关重要. Loyalty fund gifts, which are 100 percent tax deductible, are designated for day-to-day operating expenses, as well as to fund the many signature programs that distinguish Ashley Hall.

Does it matter when I make my gift? May I pledge now and pay later?

Yes and yes! 在学年早期做出的礼物或承诺对学校的预算目的来说是一个很大的优势. Because of this, we ask donors to make their pledges by December 31. 承诺可以在学年期间完成,最后一笔款项将于6月30日到期.

May I pay my gift in installments?

Certainly! Rather than making your gift all at once, 你可以把你的供款设定在6月30日之前的几个月内支付. 这被称为经常性捐赠,可以通过拨打(843)965-8479或在被问及付款时通过在线捐赠页面建立.

If I can only make a small gift, is it really worth it?

You bet it is! 大额礼物对十大最好的网赌平台的成功绝对是必不可少的,但小额礼物也是如此. You are encouraged to give in a range that is comfortable for your family, remembering that our gifts, when combined, add up to provide critical support for the School. 你们的支持传递了一个强有力的信息,那就是你们相信这所学校和它的教育项目.


许多公司会用自己的火柴作为员工慈善礼物的补充, thereby increasing the total amount of funds donated to the School. 能够使用这些公司捐赠计划的捐赠者将获得全额捐赠加上匹配资金, thereby qualifying for higher gift recognition. 你的人力资源办公室会让你知道你的公司是否有这样的项目,并且可以给你提供一个非常简单的表格,让你完成并将你的礼物寄给Ashley Hall.

How will my gift be recognized?

各种规模的礼物都很重要,并在学校的在线年度报告中得到认可, and emails throughout the year. The 1909 Society members, donors of $1,909 or more, 并在阿什利霍尔出版的年度报告中得到认可,并被邀请参加秋季的特别领导招待会.

How do I make a gift?

Charleston, SC 29403. You may also make an online gift using Paypal, Venmo or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express).

1909 Society

The 1909 Society honors donors who annually give $1,909 or more to the Loyalty Fund and offers special benefits. 来自这个领导捐赠团体的捐赠约占捐赠给忠诚基金的所有美元的70%. 十大网赌平台推荐感谢1909年协会的成员,感谢他们的慈善贡献和对阿什利大厅的持续承诺. 

Learn more about The 1909 Society

Planned Giving

By including Ashley Hall in your estate plans, 你要确保你对阿什利霍尔教育的好处的承诺继续下去. Estate gifts can be designated to support a donor’s passion at the school, but are most commonly invested to grow the school’s endowment in perpetuity. Ashley Hall’s founder, Mary Vardrine McBee, 在以价值为基础的慈善事业中树立榜样并倡导其优点. Today she is the patroness of The McBee Society, 一个由富有远见和慷慨的捐赠者组成的组织,他们把十大最好的网赌平台纳入了他们的遗产计划.

View the McBee Society Membership List

Gift of Securities

考虑捐赠股票、共同基金和其他有价证券给Ashley Hall.

Brokerage House: Robert W. Baird & Co.
Account Name: Ashley Hall Foundation
Account Number: 6935-2966
DTC Number: 0547
Broker: John Warren
Telephone number: (866) 792-7271
Fax: (843) 579-5050

Mailing Address:
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Attention:John Warren
25 Calhoun Street, Suite 200
Charleston, SC 29401

For further assistance, contact:

Ann Barnett | Director of Database Management and Online Services | [email protected] | (843) 720-2856.

Meet the Advancement Team

Shana Stockton, Director of Stewardship

Stephanie Glasscock, Director of the Loyalty Fund

Ann Barnett, Director of Database Management and Online Services

Give Now

At Ashley Hall, 十大网赌平台推荐相信,十大网赌平台推荐的慈善行为在最深层次上传达了十大网赌平台推荐是谁以及十大网赌平台推荐的信仰. They are an opportunity to harness our passions, to act on our values for the greater good, and to nourish our souls. 这种价值观与十大网赌平台推荐与学生的合作交织在一起,以期培养出“具有道德责任感并准备好迎接社会挑战”的年轻女性,” as our mission clearly states. 如果没有阿什利霍尔社区的支持,完成这项任务是不可能的nity.

简单地说,我每年都给十大最好的网赌平台捐款,因为十大最好的网赌平台一直在捐款! — so much to me. 捐款确保了这个特殊地方的持续的智慧和富有同情心的慷慨, 无论这意味着为学生提供经济援助,还是为十大网赌平台推荐杰出的教师和导师提供专业发展. 回馈社会意味着“有意愿的女孩”不仅有能力,而且有机会.” — Jane Werrell Prevost ’06


Please mail checks to:
Ashley Hall
Attention: Advancement Office
172 Rutledge Avenue
Charleston, SC 29403

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Ashley Hall is a K-12 independent school for girls, with a co-ed preschool, committed to a talented and diverse student population. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.